On Friday we arrived here at Alabama. Nicole and I both had our first chance of flying VFR on top. This means that we took off in good weather with clear sky's and good visibility. Along our route there were places reporting IFR, but Nicole and I looked at the satalite images and realized there were no clouds there. So we took a chance hoping to get a better tailwind and we took off. We flew above the low clouds, that were caused by rivers and a small dew point spread on the ground. While we were flying luckily the racers ahead told us the clouds cleared up 150 miles before Mobile.
Megan was flying the plane when we arrived at Mobile. This airport is very pretty because it lies on the Gulf of Mexico. The airport we landed was at sea level at 26 ft. I got a little disoriented flying over the ocean with cloud in the sky and the blue water below us. Nicole and I could not believe that the race was over. Once we were on the ground we taxied back to the ramp where we gave each other a big high five. When we got out of the plane we were greeted by our Adopt-A-Racer girls from the boys and girls club of america. they were both wearing tshirts they had decorated with our race number on them. We than let them have a seat in the plane, showed them the controls, and explained to them how things worked. We told them that anything was possible and that their are scholarships out there for them to do these types of things.
On Saturday we met again at the USS Alabama ship, where they were awarded for going through the program. We surprised them with K- State aviation tshirts donated by AHP. After the ceremony both the girls had to leave so Nicole and I, along with her parents and grandparents, got to explore the ship. It was very hot inside the ship but very interesting. Nicole's grandpa had worked on a ship so he guided us through it and explained everything as we went.
We aRe now getting ready to head to the banquet where we will find out the results for the race. We will keep you posted and provide the standings when we get back from the banquet. Wish us luck!!!!
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